Wrap Up

It’s been a good week. The grand-kids are in their new school. I helped around the house. Cooked a dinner. Hung curtains. Folded clothes. And did a little grocery shopping. Basically, I tried to make myself useful. The reward was simple. I felt wanted. It’s a good feeling, and its probably the essence of friendship and romance. Being wanted.

I’ll head home today. It will be interesting to see what’s been going on at the homestead. The heat is continuing to bake us, and I’ve no doubt the landscape probably has changed a bit. I’d say it will be nice to sleep in my own bed, but the new bed I have at my daughter’s is pretty nice, too, and I slept well while I was here. Plus, it’s hard to overstate the appeal of loving arms.

Speaking of being wanted, I got a call from my oldest son yesterday. He hadn’t heard from me in a couple of days and wanted to make sure I was okay. We talked about his daughter getting back to college and her second college track season. Then we talked music, and that’s a rabbit hole we love to run into, and we spent a lot of time there. He’s got a new guitar instructor and he’s having fun and I’m learning things too. And that’s it from the front line of aging and widowerhood. See you tomorrow!

John W Wilson

Gatewood Press is a small, family owned press located in the Hill Country of Texas.




Week One