Yard Work

Yesterday was a day of relatively mindless work no one will ever notice, except me. I weeded the platform behind the garage where I keep the trash cans and a rainwater collection tank. The little plot is decomposed granite with an edging of limestone. It is surrounded by the yard of tiff grass. The work was easy, and I gathered a good wheelbarrow load of grass and other weeds.

I took my time. In between I checked on the pool. Sat inside with a glass of water. Stopped to watch the butterflies feed on the Gregg’s mistflowers (Conoclinium greggii). I saw a pair of hummingbirds dispute the right to feed on the Turk’s Caps (Malvaviscus arboreus). It was a noisy fight as they dive-bombed one another. It looked like it hurt. And they kept at it for a good bit. Eventually, I left the flowers to the birds and the butterflies, finished weeding and raked it all clean. I think I’ll spray it with some corn gluten today to stop future seeds from germinating.

Now, it’s on to the next project, whatever that might be. I have plenty of things to things to do, things to occupy my time. There are beds to mulch, fences to build, and weeds to pull. It’s all good work for an old man in summer. I’m unsure how all this work is making the world a better place, but it’s making my place better, and making me better, too. And that feels right and good, so I’m just going to keep at it, counting my blessings, pulling my weeds, and watching my flowers grow.

John W Wilson

Gatewood Press is a small, family owned press located in the Hill Country of Texas.


In My Time


Lucky Me