
The cleaning continues. Pharaby’s rose at the east end of the house was getting choked by the Orchid Tree and the Yaupon Holly. I pushed them both back and trimmed up the rose. It should get a bit more sun, but we’ll see how it goes. The drought last year was hard on everyone, particularly the rose, and this spring has been no wet picnic. We’ll see what happens as the weather continues to warm. I might be in the market for a second rose.

I drove into Austin yesterday. That was no picnic either. I still have a latent tendency to talk to slow moving traffic, a holdover from my freeway time in Houston, but I’m much more relaxed these days and catch myself before I spoil things. Anyway, on the way home I stopped at my favorite nursery and picked up some Catmint Walker’s Low for the back porch garden and some Blackfoot Daisies for I don’t know where. Still deciding. I’d seen a trailer unloading goods on my way into town and thought maybe my plants had come in. The hunch paid off.

And yesterday started with the sun casting a golden glow over the pasture with clouds providing a backdrop. It was something to see and I saw it because I was up early and that’s how you get to see the sun casting golden glows. You get up early. There’s no glow this morning only gray clouds and a hint of rain which is just mother natures way of flirting with you. Still, that promise of rain is better than nothing because we can use the rain even if it might come down in torrents as the Weather Service warns. After all, beggars can’t be choosers.

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John W Wilson

Gatewood Press is a small, family owned press located in the Hill Country of Texas.

No Rain


The Key