Looking Ahead
Nature John W Wilson Nature John W Wilson

Looking Ahead

A cruise onto the morning porch reveals a light, soft fog over the pasture, a refreshing chill in the air, and that’s about it.

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Garden News
Nature John W Wilson Nature John W Wilson

Garden News

45. The temperature this morning at my house. This seems right. Winter is coming. To Texas. It feels good.

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Nature John W Wilson Nature John W Wilson


A midnight storm woke me up. Lightning crashed and thunder rolled. But like a passing goodbye kiss or a quick hug, it was gone before I knew it.

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Nature John W Wilson Nature John W Wilson


Pretty and pink pretty much describes the current state of my gardens.

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Cherry Blossoms
Nature John W Wilson Nature John W Wilson

Cherry Blossoms

The nice thing about tile floors is they allow you quickly to stomp a scorpion when one makes it into the house.

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Soft Summer
Nature John W Wilson Nature John W Wilson

Soft Summer

It’s been a good summer for our pink turks caps. Actually, it’s been a good summer for everything.

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Tree Time
Life, Nature John W Wilson Life, Nature John W Wilson

Tree Time

And I wonder, if I only had one job to do in this life, that maybe planting one tree was a good thing to have accomplished. No one will write a story about me, but the world will know, or at least this part of it.

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Time Travel
Nature, Life John W Wilson Nature, Life John W Wilson

Time Travel

Went time travelling yesterday. Visited the Chisos Mountains. Tried to imagine what it was like when that first hot vent opened up and out popped hot rock, lava.

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Life, Nature John W Wilson Life, Nature John W Wilson


I stepped through the looking glass last Tuesday evening. Stepped out again yesterday, Friday, around noon. This is what happened.

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Spider Time
Nature, Life John W Wilson Nature, Life John W Wilson

Spider Time

A black and yellow garden spider has set up shop in the turks cap beneath the Mexican plum in the little garden at the west end of the south porch in the tifway yard.

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Phase Two
Life, Grief, Nature John W Wilson Life, Grief, Nature John W Wilson

Phase Two

I need thicker hide, tougher skin, something to absorb the blows. Every little thing these days feels like a personal affront. I realize as I get older that my skin gets thinner, but you’d expect better callouses on the emotional side.

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Nature John W Wilson Nature John W Wilson


I am on bended knee begging forgiveness. I have sullied the reputation of ground squirrels with my allegations of peach pilfering.

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Night Visitors
Nature John W Wilson Nature John W Wilson

Night Visitors

Here we go. Summer. The morning air is hot and heavy. With no rain, it will keep building like this, until one morning it will feel like I’m living in an oven.

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Sweet Fruit
Life, Nature John W Wilson Life, Nature John W Wilson

Sweet Fruit

On my drive home from Marble Falls yesterday, I saw the tail end of a large rainbow touching the ground. It was off toward the east where the rain was falling, created by the sun, low in the west.

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Taking a Pause
Nature John W Wilson Nature John W Wilson

Taking a Pause

I put on a long sleeve shirt and worked in the yard day Friday I needed the shirt because I was hauling brush. I have a deal with my arborist son. He trims; I haul.

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