A Thing

Smoke detector batteries are only allowed to fail in the middle of the night. I have no idea how the makers of smoke detectors arrange this, but it’s true. I’ve never had one start chirping in the middle of the day. We had one go out last night. But it’s not my house. So, I had to wait until this morning to rectify the situation. Popped in the new batteries and off we went.

The kids slept right through the racket, which is what kids do. The granddaughter heard the chirp but thought it was due to her moving in her bed. Ah, youth. They watched in awe, my words, as grandpa casually fixed the problem, like it’s a thing grandpa’s do. Anyway, I just got back from dropping them off at school. Picture day. They got haircuts yesterday. They look spiffy. We’ll see how the pictures turn out.

My reason for being here this trip, outside of attending football and baseball games, is to monitor the foundation repair guys while my daughter is at work. I’ve been watching YouTube videos, so I’ll be able to offer advice. Just kidding. The last thing they need is an unpaid consultant. Basically, I’m here so my daughter doesn’t have to miss work. It’s a thing grandpa’s do.

John W Wilson

Gatewood Press is a small, family owned press located in the Hill Country of Texas.


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