
I had a rejuvenating evening at a baseball game with friends last night, which is a great place to have a rejuvenating evening because the pace of a baseball game allows for plenty of time for quips and stories and laughter, and still allow you time to watch a favorite player go yard with a long drive into the left field bleachers. The home team ultimately lost the game but I won a game in the match of life. So, I’m good.

This group of friends is part of a new group of friends which means I’ve known them less than 20 years. I went to a football game last Saturday with a friend I’ve known for more than 50 years but less than 60 and that’s what I call an old friend although I have friends I’ve known for 60 years and I hesitate to call them old, old friends, but that seems fair. And of course, there are my cousins and brothers who are lifelong friends.

Anyway, it seems a lucky break that I’m still making friends. I meet people all the time these days that I now count as friends, people with whom I hang out when I get the chance. We go to ball games, we go hear music, we go out for dinner and drinks, we travel together. Sometimes we just get together to sit around and talk. My old age is full to the brim with friends and will be right up until the end. Because, oddly enough, I have something to say about it. And this is what I’m saying, welcome friend.

John W Wilson

Gatewood Press is a small, family owned press located in the Hill Country of Texas.

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