After Party

I’ve had so much fun these last several days that I’m thinking about having a birthday every month. I could make it like a software update. My age point 1 and so on. Then next July it would simply roll over to the next age in my chronological journey through space and time and the numbering would start over. It works for Apple, why not for me? I could send out text notices each month. “While you’re sleeping John Wilson will update. No need to be attached to power. It will happen automatically.” Then the next day we’d get together and have a party or just go out for drinks.

Of course, I doubt I need to tie it to my birthday each month, but it would be a nice joke. I’ll probably try it for a while until it grows old, and everything grows old, especially jokes. I know I’m growing old. Only six percent of the US population is in my age bracket, 75+ and only 42% of those are males. Never thought I’d join that demographic. But here I am, and I’m still walking, talking, and having a gay old time. I guess it helps to surround yourself with people younger than you, but it seems sort of inevitable given the percentages.

But back to the original proposition. I was shown a lot of love on my birthday, and you can rag on social media all you want but it’s at its best with birthdays. I’ve heard from a lot of people over the last two days wishing me all the best and telling me how much I mean to them, and they were doing it in a public way so that other people could see. And now I feel really good and I’m ready for another year, and I’ll try to put some of the love back into the universe so that others can feel the same pleasure.

John W Wilson

Gatewood Press is a small, family owned press located in the Hill Country of Texas.

Getting On


Birth Day