Birth Day

As signs go, getting Wordle in two on your birthday has to rank right up there as a great way to start your day. Of course, a pessimist might think it can only go down hill from there, but it’s not actually that big of a deal and I’m an optimist in most cases. So, I’m sticking with the positive connotation. Plus, it’s still dark, the bird feeder is up, and the cats are fed. These are all good things, and a baby boomer is still booming. So, here we go.

I spent yesterday evening with two of my boomer friends who I’ve known since 1975. We did what we usually do. Fixed things. Talked. The keypad for his gate was busted and he installed a new window AC unit in his wife’s pottery studio. I helped. Held things mostly. It’s fairly satisfying work being an extra pair of hands. Then we had a nice dinner and sat and talked some more. Birthdays came up of course. We agreed we still looked pretty good for people our age even if we did say so ourselves.

No big plans today. My kids already gave me some nice presents, and tonight, some of my younger friends are treating me to drinks and dinner. Tomorrow more of my boomer friends will take me out for lunch. It will be a pleasant two days of being the semi-center of attention. Meanwhile, I’m trying to follow the advice of good old Satchel Paige and not look back because something might be gaining on me.

John W Wilson

Gatewood Press is a small, family owned press located in the Hill Country of Texas.

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