All in a Day

There I was yesterday evening, sitting in my easy chair, after eating a dinner of fried zucchini and venison sausage, feeling all manly, when I looked down and realized my tee shirt was inside out. And, I’d worn it that way all day, including two trips to various stores (fully masked) for quick pickups. Yup, inside out. Luckily it was a solid color and no one probably noticed or if they did what were they going to say? But it still brought me up short. How does one put on a piece of clothing inside out and fail to notice? And wear it all day. Strange. Is this why men need wives?

And it was a good day. We got rain. I made a set of alphabetical record dividers out of wooden paint stirrers and stick-on letters at about one third the cost of a set sold online. Crafty. My wife smiled in heaven. I ran into an acquaintance at the supermarket while looking for fresh okra. We had a nice long chat. He looks good. He’s lost weight. Got his blood pressure under control. Survived an early attack of Covid. He got vaccinated this time. Small towns are good for that sort of information exchange. We even talked about bbq which he used to cook and sell before he retired. All that in the vegetable aisle of the Super S.

But back to the fried zucchini. I’ve discovered hot grease. Just on a personal level. We’ve known about it for a long time. And it’s fun frying stuff. Today, I’m going to do fish, catfish. And I’ve got some fresh okra to throw into the mix. I’m even going to get me a deep fryer, because you can do lots of stuff with that like make beignets and my wife and I loved Cafe du Monde in the early morning and another friend has introduced me to fried peaches wrapped in puff pastry and that’s delicious. Maybe that’s why I wore my shirt inside out. I was excited about food. Or maybe I was just content and didn’t really care. That actually feels right. So, I’m going with that. Content. Adios, for now. And you can bet I’ll check my shirt this morning.

John W. Wilson is the author of The Long Goodbye: A Caregiver’s Tale

John W Wilson

Gatewood Press is a small, family owned press located in the Hill Country of Texas.



Lazy Day