Lazy Day

It feels like a good day in the neighborhood. I mowed a bit yesterday and pulled a few weeds, because khaki-weed is a real tenacious pest. I even worked up a sweat. I still appear to be Covid free, but I think there is actually a ten-day period from exposure where you could be susceptible. It’s a little confusing because I’ve had two negative tests four and six days after exposure, but Covid is a new beast, so I’ve tried to stay home and social distance and mask up when I have to go out.

Usually on Sunday night I go sit with the fine family who produces the Facebook live television show, Cooking with Mom. But they have grandchildren in the house along with their parents (it’s the son who is cooking with his mom), and I like them all, and that little unknown about how the Covid exposure, especially with the Delta variant, might work in the human body has told me to stay home. So, I will. Dang, ‘cause sometimes they have company, and the company is fun as well. But there’s always next week, which is pretty much the key to surviving in a pandemic -- sacrifice now and there’s always next week.

Anyway, I thought it might rain last night, but none fell so I have a bit of water I need to apply to some plants. Not much, but they look thirsty and could use a drink. So, after I eat breakfast, and do all the old man things, like take my pills, I’ll go out and do that. After that, it’s pretty much a lazy day until 6:30 this evening when I tune in to the show I would have attended in person to see what they do. Because watching them is how I got the nerve to fry up a batch of fresh okra last night for dinner, dredged in cornmeal with a bit of salt and pepper for seasoning. Yum.

John W. Wilson is the author of The Long Goodbye: A Caregiver’s Tale

John W Wilson

Gatewood Press is a small, family owned press located in the Hill Country of Texas.

All in a Day

