Big Day

Went for a walk in town yesterday. The wild west showed up. If women had been with us, they would have gathered up their skirts and scurried inside. But it was just us guys. We were in the old square, minding our own business when suddenly there were loud voices. Much shouting. F bombs. It was in a store just down from us. The disagreement spilled into the street. A tall man with a large belly shouted insults, called the man a gypsy, wanted to fight. The storekeeper, shouted insults back. Called the man a sissy. Stayed inside. We stayed safely away. There was thunder and lightning but no rain.

To calm our nerves, we went to a local coffee shop on the corner of the square by the main drag. We were sitting on a bench outside watching the traffic, drinking our coffee. Suddenly a policeman walked by. His gun was drawn. His partner came around the cars in front of us. More police cars showed up. They accosted several long-haired youthful people at the store next door to us. But again, no rain. It was a misunderstanding and a false alarm. Everyone ended up laughing and talking. We thought, this Taos is some town. Lots of entertainment. Kind police. As we walked back to our car we saw the fire department watering the town square.

We ended our stroll by going to art galleries to listen to the music of people we knew and people we’d like to know. Later, we gathered with friends for dinner. Then we went back to their place for conversation and drinks. We told stories, talked about our days, eventually we got around to movies we liked, and lines were being quoted and we all laughed, and it was a good time. Then we went our own ways back to soft beds and couches and nights of dreams and plans for today which include a long walk along the gorge. Who knows what will show up.

John W Wilson

Gatewood Press is a small, family owned press located in the Hill Country of Texas.

An Encounter


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