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We made it. Twelve hours on the road. Random stops for gas and goodies. Pulled in behind friends at one stop. Unplanned. The randomness of the universe. Made it to our house just after dark. Missed seeing the Rio Grande gorge. We’ll do that today. I like this end of the Rio Grande. I like it even better a little further north around Alamosa, Colorado. Woke up to a cool 53 degrees. Slept with my window open.

I may end up deserting Texas in the summer next year. For the entire summer. Easier said than done, though. I think my daughter and her family may invite me to Maine on their annual trip. Her husband hails from the state. I could go with them and pretend to get lost. I doubt they’d leave without me, but it might be worth a try. I could just sit quietly in the corner so that no one noticed. I’ve got an entire winter, providing it comes to the Lone Star state, to figure out a plan.

Meanwhile, here I am in Taos. Went my entire life without ever visiting the place. In the last two years I’ve been here three times, and this time I’m spending the week. My life has been a life of strange turns, a long rambling voyage across the country courtesy of my dad and Uncle Sam and good friends. And in my book, they’ve all been good turns, and this one promises to be good as well. Another time to every purpose under heaven.

John W Wilson

Gatewood Press is a small, family owned press located in the Hill Country of Texas.

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