Busy Work

I’ve been on a break. And like any program, it pays to start off slow when you’re getting back into the routine. So, no reminiscing today. I just spent the weekend listening to singer songwriters at Songwriter Serenade. I worked with the crew doing sound and live streaming. It was fun, plus I had the two little grand-kids in tow. They pitched in and did a marvelous job and made their grandpa proud.

While I was gone, I missed the big hailstorm that pounded Johnson City, but I could see the results when I got home yesterday. There were leaves and little branches all around. I think I’ll get out the power washer and clean the drive today. Plus, the grass is nearly waist deep, and I mowed before I left. We’re having a wet spring, so I wasn’t much surprised. I was surprised to see how many new thistles had sprouted in my absence. I’ll probably dig those before I wash the drive.

House maintenance is an ongoing enterprise, and it doesn’t take a break just because you’re in your seventies. It plods on, and you do your best to keep up. But I am starting to understand why people move into retirement communities. Luckily, I enjoy the work because I like the outcome. So, today I’ll gear up and get after it, because it’s not like I have a lot of other pressing issues to address. I know I could be sitting, but I might as well be tending my yard, and making myself feel useful.

John W Wilson

Gatewood Press is a small, family owned press located in the Hill Country of Texas.


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