Machine Day

Here’s to the mysterious ways of the universe. We find love, unexpectedly. Children come into our lives. The mower that worked fine four days ago is now a sputtering pile of metal. How things go wrong with machines when you’re not looking is beyond me. But it happens all the time, particularly with lawnmowers. So, today, rather than mow I will be tracing out fuel lines to see why none is flowing to the engine. May the god’s of the machine be with me.

I suspect patience will be my friend. I’ve gotten in a hurry before, and it has come to no good end. Luckily, I am now at a stage in my life where patience has shown up. There are still the occasional anger flares, but I suspect they are the remnants of a dying sun. So, I will push the machine in question to a flat spot in the drive and get to work. I hope the answer makes itself clear. We’ll see.

In the meantime, I dug a wheelbarrow full of thistles yesterday. That was hot, laborious, back-breaking work. But the latest crop is now gone. I’ll tour the back lots today to see what might have shown up after the latest rains. I’m sure there are little purple surprises just waiting for me. That’s another thing I’ve gotten good at in my old age, surprises. Having spent a long lifetime learning to expect the unexpected, there is little left to be unexpected. Things happen, I take them in stride, and move on, because what’s done is always done and there’s seldom anything I can do about it.

John W Wilson

Gatewood Press is a small, family owned press located in the Hill Country of Texas.

Springy Things


Busy Work