Day Two

Day two of the new rule. I pondered all day yesterday, what I might say today. Nothing sensational really popped into my head, but that’s okay. Sensational is usually hard to come by and when it does come it’s usually by accident. At least for me. And I’m not really sure what I mean by sensational. Some pithy observation usually. The verbal equivalent of digging for diamonds in Arkansas.

Time seemed to be on my mind mostly. Partly, I guess, because I’m at the age where one might reasonably expect I don’t have much left. And then I got to thinking about seizing the day which first popped up as an idea in Rome when the poet Horace penned the phrase. And then social media showed me something the Buddha said that our biggest mistake is thinking we have time.

Of course, I image anyone alive who thinks has thought about time. So, me talking about time is just another guy in a long line of sentient beings who realize our time on earth is short. And that’s a hell of a gift to get after a developing a brain to think about things other than sex and the next meal. The realization you’re going to die. Lord, help us. Anyway, I know Horace said we should seize the day, but I think I’ll just wrap it in a warm embrace and see how that goes.

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John W Wilson

Gatewood Press is a small, family owned press located in the Hill Country of Texas.

Chill Day


First Thing