Down But Not Out

I am returned from the valley of Covid. Dropped off the cliff Saturday morning about 2 a.m. Woke up to a raging fever and a head full of everything, along with a cough. Made it to daylight, snagged some Covid tests at a local big box score, and scored positive. Twice. Called my doctor. Was told I needed to be seen to get the anti-viral medication. I opted to wait. I could take it any time in from 3-5 days after the onset of symptoms. Went on the Mucinex/vitamin regimen from my first go round with the virus in February 2022.

Felt better, Sunday, was feeling better yesterday for sure but decided to visit the doctor anyway. Didn’t want to delude myself into thinking all was well when it really was just the eye of a Covid hurricane. Viruses are funny things and I have no idea how they decide to tip over and become serious and life-threatening, but they obviously do, and I didn’t want to be a party to that. So, I donned my mask and called on the doctor. Got an anti-viral med. Started it last night.

This morning my fever is gone, my cough productive, and my nasal sinuses are clear. My head, however, still feels full. But I suspect that will clear up as I start moving around. I’m also in that post flu/cold fog where I feel beat up. But only slightly. Not down and out. That’s good, I guess. I’ve had the flu totally wring me out before. Anyway, it’s nice to be back. I hope everyone had a good weekend.

John W Wilson

Gatewood Press is a small, family owned press located in the Hill Country of Texas.

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