Fighting On

Day five of my COVID experience. Feeling pretty good. The antiviral meds are making their presence known. I have a funny taste in my mouth. Oh, well. Small price to pay for the help. At the moment, I have that post-cold feeling. I’m tired from the fight and waiting for my body to finish flushing out the debris. And there’s a lot. The battlefield is littered with dead viruses and white blood cells. No fever so I assume most of the significant fighting is over.

The antiviral drug hampered the virus’s ability to create re-enforcements which gave my white blood cells the edge they needed. I take the meds for two more days which should be plenty of time to catch any stragglers lurking about and keep them from breeding. At this point, any hanging around should be feeling really isolated. I wonder what a virus feels before it dies. Given how many mutations we’ve seen since the start of the show something is going on. The urge to live and replicate seems pretty strong with this one. I wonder if we can lead it to a less fearsome path.

According to the literature I should be able to leave isolation five days after the appearance of symptoms, which would be tomorrow, but there are a lot of provisos, so I’ll call the doctors to see what they say. In the meantime, it’s a nice cool day outside and I may take advantage of it and do some work in the yard and let my immune system know I’m doing everything I can to give it a fighting chance to protect the old homestead.

John W Wilson

Gatewood Press is a small, family owned press located in the Hill Country of Texas.

Late Start


Down But Not Out