Fall Thoughts

It’s amazing how long moisture stays in the ground when the sun isn’t beating down. In the summer a fair rain might last two days. In the fall, a fair rain hangs around as if it has nothing better to do. Forget evaporation, this dirt is fine, a good place to be. The plants notice for sure. Everything is growing and most are blooming if they can.

The spiderworts are lush and green, but they’ll wait until spring to flower. I think they need a cold trigger. The turks caps are in full red flower, however, good for the late butterflies and the like, although I think the hummingbirds are gone. The lantana, of course, think they’re in hog heaven and I have no idea how hogs and heaven came to be associated with feeling really good. But the lantana are green and blooming, as is the Barbados cherry, one of my favorite little plants.

Of course, the sunlight is gradually disappearing. The days are getting short. It’s good for me. It means I can go to bed whenever I feel like it and no one will think I’m being lazy, although there’s no one around to notice, so I don’t suppose it matters. Spring or summer, fall or winter, I could pretty much go to bed anytime I liked. And l think, perhaps, as my Guadalupian period advances, I will begin doing that, letting my circadian rhythms have the reins. After all, this is the period that ultimately will end with me literally becoming one with nature. So, why not? And I think it may well be time to bid my alarm, adieu.

John W Wilson

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