Fasting Labs

Fasting labs. Nothing to eat or drink. Except water. Yippee. Not the way I like to start my day. No coffee. And I like cream and sugar or honey. I should be cranky, or maybe I could be cranky. Not that it matters. I live alone now. Who would notice if I was cranky? Not the outside cats. They only see me as a food source, and I fed them already. Luckily, I guess, this is just an ordinary set of labs for my cardiologist. I should have done them a while back, but I was lax. Now I feel guilty, and I’ve got to get going.

It is scheduled to be hot and sunny today, tomorrow, the day after tomorrow, the day after that and on and on and on. I do believe we are starting summer with a solar bang. We could all see it coming, of course, what with our lack of rain and the hot days in April and May. But now it’s here and we’re simply going to have to grin and bear it. I hope the grid can keep up because there will be a lot of air that needs conditioning in the coming months.

I guess it’s lucky I’ve got my little pool, above ground or not. I’ve always wondered why I feel slightly embarrassed about that. But I do. No telling what’s going through that weird mind of mine. We got it to help my wife with her wonky knees. It did. Help. She loved it. We’d often floated around together, holding hands. Now I float by myself. Adrift in my pool. Not as sad as it sounds. Especially in the evening as the day turns to night. I put on a little music, lay back, and watch the sky as I turn in the wind on my float. A sort of bliss. And a nice way to end the day.

John W. Wilson is the author of The Long Goodbye: A Caregiver's Tale

John W Wilson

Gatewood Press is a small, family owned press located in the Hill Country of Texas.

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