Good Morning

It’s a nice morning today, the sort of morning that will lure you outside right before turning on the oven. I was out in the oven yesterday, putting up a new canopy over the deck of my pool. The one that’s above ground. Of course, it’s the only pool I have, but I still feel it necessary to let people know what sort of pool it is. I guess I don’t want folks thinking I’m some sort of bragging swanky guy. It’s just lower middle-class me, with an above ground pool.

I’m just a guy who left his nice subdivision home to live in a double wide trailer on three acres. Apparently, we moved while my daughter was at camp and when she returned, she wondered if we were now poor. I had no idea that thought went through her head. We had simply decided to rent before we bought a home in the country, to make sure we liked country life. We did. Eventually, we bought a house on six acres and that’s where we lived until we came to the hill country.

It's weird what sort of things bake into your mind as you decide who you are. My wife, for instance, looked askance at apartment dwellers until I explained to her that my Navy dad’s family, lived in apartments almost the entire time he was in the service, until he bought a small three-bedroom house in Portsmouth, Virginia for his wife and four boys. I didn’t realize kids had their own bedrooms until I was in high school. Oh, well. I have my own bedroom now, and kitchen, and living room and dining room. So there. And I hope everyone has a great day no matter where they live or in what circumstances.

 John W. Wilson is the author of The Long Goodbye: A Caregiver's Tale

John W Wilson

Gatewood Press is a small, family owned press located in the Hill Country of Texas.

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