Flower Show

I’m still tending my gardens. Pulling up errant grasses, henbit and Velcro weed (Galium aparine). The latter is truly a weird pest in that it adheres to anything it touches except metal. I try to get it young and early and always by the root if I can find it. If it had any sort of decent flower, I’d probably leave it, but it just climbs and does little else. It has medicinal value, but I’m not an herbalist. So, out it goes.

The hyacinth’s are blooming. Three little plants in the front bed by the crape myrtle with a showy purple flower that lasts about as long as a heartbeat. Heralds of the spring. Next will come the spiderworts. Again, purple. Again, short-lived blooms. Hard on their heels, however, will be the bluebonnets. That’s when the spring show really starts, and with luck we’ll have some Indian Paintbrush to leaven the yard’s color palette. And the bluebonnets will stick around, waiting for a child to sit beside them for a picture or maybe an entire family. Accommodating.

On the tree front, I’d like to see my Mountain Laurels bloom this year. They’ve never really given us a big show. In fact, sometimes it’s hard to even find their flowers, it’s as if they’re embarrassed to show off. Too bad. It seems they’re content to live in the shadow of the Eve’s Necklace that towers over them and blooms to a fare they well. So, if they’re happy, I suppose I should be happy. And that seems a totally reasonable for a gardener to make with his garden.

John W Wilson

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