Going for Two

Heading in this morning for the second cataract surgery. Today it’s the left eye. I can hardly wait. I was apprehensive beyond belief for the first surgery. This time, knowing what to expect, more or less, I’m all in and ready to go. Of course, surgery is surgery and there are always risks, but it’s that end result that has me thrilled—the clarity of vision. I had no idea previously how seriously those cataracts had degraded my sight. The world had closed in around me, and now I can see. Really well in one eye. Going for two today.

The hard part is the first week of post-op. No bending at the waist. Try that for a day just for fun. No lifting. You’d be surprised at how heavy some things really are. No rubbing the eye. We touch our eyes more than we realize. No strenuous activity. Last time I drove to Houston to see Neil Gaiman with my daughter, her friend, and my oldest son. Great night. Nothing so extravagant planned for this coming week. I’ll drive to Gruene to do Cooking with Mom next Sunday. The rest of the time, I’ll just stay home, walk around, and be amazed at how sharp things look.

That’s it for now. Wish me luck. Say a pray. Send healing thoughts my way. They’re always appreciated. I’ve been a fan of prayers for a long, long time. And even with the simplest of surgeries they never hurt in my book, which is why I send the notification out into the universe and ask for them. I should be back tomorrow with more news about how things went as they try to fix my fuzzy left eye.

John W. Wilson is the author of The Long Goodbye: A Caregiver's Tale

John W Wilson

Gatewood Press is a small, family owned press located in the Hill Country of Texas.


The Day After


Shake It Up