Happy New Year

Guadalupe River State Park, New Year’s Day 2024

Happy New Year! My first steps into the new year found me hiking in Gaudalupe River State Park. We did about five and a half miles over hill and dale. Sat beside the river. Stood on a bluff and looked at the view. Ate some grapes and snacks for lunch. The day was cool and clear. They gave us each a sticker encouraging people to ask us about our First Day hike, which is apparently a thing, and lots of Texas State Parks participate. So, the next time you see me ask me about my first day hike.

As New Year’s days go, it was a lot more refreshing than some I remember from my younger days. It was nice so be outside, walking, taking in the sights. Then January 2 dawned with cold and rain, and that was nice, too. Because we need the rain, and this morning I’ll go check the gauge to see what we got. It seemed like a lot and sometimes I’d rather not know than look and be disappointed. Whatever it was I’d be surprised if lake levels are rising, but you never know. I do know they power-washed my house yesterday in preparation for painting. Getting all the outside trim done. That, too, is a nice way to start the year.

Later today I will drive to Houston to check on that pesky aortic aneurysm. They’ll do a CT scan tomorrow morning. It was stable last year, here’s hoping for more of the same. I’ve been diligent in my walking and exercise, so I hope that pays some dividends. I’m not sure how much exercise has much to do with vascular health, but staying active makes me feel good. So, that’s probably important. I hope everyone in my extended family had a great New Year’s Eve and New Year’s Day and are marching confidently into 2024. I know I am.

John W Wilson

Gatewood Press is a small, family owned press located in the Hill Country of Texas.


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