Something Inside

I’m entering year ten of my little blog. My output was down last year from the previous year because I started the year with the idea, I’d take weekends off. Couldn’t do it. Too boring. Still, I ended up with 294 entries. Output. It started simply enough with a daily post on Facebook in 2014. Then I started using the Notes feature of Facebook. They cancelled Notes in 2021. So, I created and that’s been the blog’s home ever since.

I suppose over the course of the year I should have little ten year anniversary features. Give aways, that sort of thing. Now that I think about it, maybe I will. In fact, I should have a banner on the website that says something along the lines of celebrating ten years of spilling words into the ether. Maybe I’ll have a party. Any excuse, right? Actually, that sounds like a terrific idea, and I’m going to get right on it. I have party planning friends who will help.

And now I have to wrap this up. I have a scan this morning for my abdominal aortic aneurysm to see if it’s grown any since the last scan. It’s been a year. Feels weird to know there is a thing inside me that could kill me at any moment if it gets too big and pops. I’ve done my best to placate the beast, but you never know. In fact, lots of people never know. They’re fine, then they’re not. I was lucky and it got noticed early. Now we watch it. And wait. And maybe one day it will need fixing, and I’ll have more to talk about.

John W Wilson

Gatewood Press is a small, family owned press located in the Hill Country of Texas.

Bad Day


Happy New Year