How Life Goes

It’s funny how life goes. How friendships ebb and flow. How jobs come and go. How time hurtles on and how time just creeps, ever so slow. How there’s something to do and then nothing to do. And then you look up and you’re down the road in another place, in another time and maybe there’s mountains and maybe there’s plains, or maybe a sea. And if you’re a continent, are you crashing into a shore or being torn apart.

It all happens in such slow motion, you barely notice. You gain a friend. You lose a friend. You choose a word. You hear a word. It’s wrong or it’s right, regardless, it sets in motion a chain of events behind the scenes beneath the ground. There’s a rift. It becomes a valley, then a sea. And one day you look back and wonder where those mountains went, and marvel at the affect of wind and rain on even the tallest peaks.

Or maybe one day you realize a distant shore is closer and you think this is different. But you don’t know what’s going on underground or how it came to be. But you feel the ground shift, and there’s a new thing in your life, or a place, or a person, and maybe it’s good or maybe it’s bad. But it accretes to your soul and a new piece of you forms and off you go toward your eventual demise when you too will be subsumed by the earth. And it’s funny how life goes.

John W Wilson

Gatewood Press is a small, family owned press located in the Hill Country of Texas.

The Process

