Late Words

Went outside this morning looking for inspiration. Found none. The air was cool, the plants looking healthy, but nothing rang my bell. There was no little spark. I guess that’s as it should be. If you’re going to write every day there will be days when the poetry seems far away. This is one of those days, heck maybe one of the weeks, or months. I don’t know.

Lately I’ve been thinking of my great grandmother in her sun bonnet tending her flowers. Somewhere I have a picture. If I’m lucky I’ll find it. She lived almost her entire life right here in Johnson City. She lived to be 87 years old. There might be something to the idea of keeping pace with your flowers and shrubs, pulling the world in around you. I like social media, but when everyone in the universe is on it and most of them are screaming look at me, that’s a bit much, and it’s fast, fast, fast.

Of course, while it might be fashionable for me to think that she lived in an eclosed, isolated world of her own, it pays to remember she lived through the Great Depression and both World Wars. I imagine she knew worry and she knew trouble. And nothing I’ve lived through even comes close to those, and I had to deal with Vietnam. I guess that takes me back to what I said yesterday. Since the 1940s the world has been remarkably stable on a large scale, and we’re a prosperous country. So, why is everyone so pissed off?

John W Wilson

Gatewood Press is a small, family owned press located in the Hill Country of Texas.

The Visitor


In My Time