The Caregiver’s Tales

Tiny essays on life, nature, grief and other things that catch my fancy in the Texas Hill Country. Here’s how it all got started.

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Home (The Texas Hill Country) John W Wilson Home (The Texas Hill Country) John W Wilson

Old Town

Yesterday, after attending the funeral of a friend’s father, I found myself wandering around San Antonio on my way to have lunch with another friend. As I drove, I passed the front of Incarnate Word University and realized it was a lovely, ornate, old school sort of place. Then I passed what appeared to be a public garden, and then an art museum, and then I thought, I need to explore more of San Antonio.

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Home (The Texas Hill Country) John W Wilson Home (The Texas Hill Country) John W Wilson

Veterans Memorial

We have a new monument in my small town. A war memorial, courtesy of the Hill Country Chapter of the Daughters of the American Revolution and American Legion Post #352. Actually, it’s the Blanco County Veterans memorial. It’s basically a plaza  with marble seats people can buy and dedicate to loved ones along with placards celebrating the various branches of the Armed Forces including Space Force. There’s a small piece of art that looks interesting, but I’m not sure it’s enough to draw the crowds. And there are flags because there have to be flags.

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Home (The Texas Hill Country) John W Wilson Home (The Texas Hill Country) John W Wilson

In and Out

It’s back to my mini memoir. So far it feels pretty ragged. I’ve talked about World War II and religion. There will be more on those later. Right now, it’s time for family. I’m the oldest of four boys. What I remember about my childhood is moving a lot and always being the new kid. For an additional bit of spice, my ears protruded.

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