
Here we go. A new day. No turmoil to report. No angst. Only the realization that turning over your life to algorithms is probably a bad idea, unless you know how to make the algorithm work in your favor. I’ve figured it out on most platforms, and some I’ve left entirely. But I still find myself responding mindlessly to the screen, making someone money I’m sure.

Of course, I’d like my blog to be discovered, but it’s only words and video seems to be the key. I might give video a try, but I’m much more comfortable doing exactly what I’m doing now. Thinking, typing, correcting, and looking for the next idea so that I can do more thinking, typing and correcting. And let’s not forget publishing which is the moment I put it out there for whatever part of the world that wants to see it.

We’re certainly in a different age than the one in which I started. We had three TV stations and the hometown paper, and I sure miss reading the funnies and the local sports section. But make no mistake, I like the present. And if I could figure out how to ride the wave, I’d be riding it. And I’m not going to stop trying just because it’s hard and different. Dealing with hard and different is how organisms learn, and I’d like to spend whatever time I have left learning, because I might find something I could leave behind.

John W Wilson

Gatewood Press is a small, family owned press located in the Hill Country of Texas.


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