List Time

I need another list. My projects have once again overwhelmed me. I find myself walking around, taking notes mentally of the things I should be doing and then sitting down satisfied I’ve done something when the only thing I’ve done is note the things that need doing. That seems odd and slightly out of control. So, it’s back to a list. It worked the last time. It should work again.

Of course, I have been doing something. I’m not a total derelict. I’m writing songs. It’s a fun hobby. I play them in public on occasion (Here’s one example; go to the 44 minute mark). Yesterday, I had a nice session with a friend who has a degree in composition and theory, plays in a band, and runs a recording studio. He listens, offers suggestions, and explains music theory to me. He’s kind and patient. It’s sort of like a counseling session. Music is another thing I’m doing in my latter years to make up for all the things I didn’t learn in school, like geology.

Playing music is mildly addictive, though. I keep my guitar and music stand set up in the bedroom and find myself going in there all the time to just pick up the guitar and play and sing, especially when I’m working on a song, either a cover or a song I’m writing. Heck, I even find myself doing it when I wake up at three in the morning and can’t go back to sleep. I suppose as addictions go, however, that’s relatively harmless. Although, I do need that list. So, maybe it’s getting slightly out of hand. I’ll do the list, and we’ll see.

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John W Wilson

Gatewood Press is a small, family owned press located in the Hill Country of Texas.

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Blooms and Rain