What I Know

I have to admit. As stories go, mine is pretty boring, especially these days. My big activity yesterday was golf with friends. We play best ball. Which means everyone takes a whack. Then we find the best shot and take another whack. We also play from the red tees, which means we’re way up. I still have enough pop in the old body, though, that second shots are often close. It makes for a relaxed day on the course.

My pre-golf morning activity was scheduling my routine colonoscopy. I thought it was going to happen days ago, so I was starting to feel forgotten. After talking to the office, it appears my doctor was waiting on approval from another doctor, the one who manages my aneurysm, before proceeding. I should get a call today. After golf, I mowed. I enjoy that. My new blades work really well. And it was cool, and now the yard looks nice.

This morning I took out the trash. Another dotted “i”. And you see where this is going. Boredom. Although, I don’t really feel bored. Today, I’m off to Houston to hear music tonight, visit with my daughter’s family, give them a date night tomorrow, and come home on Saturday. Then I have more music on Saturday and Sunday. In the end, what I’ve just described is a life free from want and filled with nice things. I have a place to live and food to eat. Friends. Family. They always say to write about what you know, and this is what I know. I’m grateful.

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John W Wilson

Gatewood Press is a small, family owned press located in the Hill Country of Texas.


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