Looking Ahead

I am home. Pulled in last night. Went to bed early. There are chores to do today, but not many. My son kept things running in my absence while doing his own full time job as an arborist. It rained while I was gone. There was more than an inch in the gauge. It was nice to see. The lantanas are blooming as is the sage, that’s a sweet perfume. And the grass has greened.

Fall seems to be in the air even though there is still plenty of residual heat. It will abate, however, because the sun is heading off to bake other climes. And I imagine somewhere down the road a polar vortex will come our way. I can use the chill. There are things I want to do outside, and the heat was no friend to this aging body. Although, I found ways to battle through, because I’m not really ready to surrender and be a prisoner in my own home.

Right now. the beauty to see is all the plants that survived the summer. In particular, I was worried about my remaining Marie Pavia rose. In summer, it loses a lot of sunlight to the overhanging trees, and it’s hard to provide it with enough water in the high heat. But with rain and cooler weather have come new green leaves. So, it will be here for another spring. And that’s a nice way to go into winter, with thoughts of spring.

John W Wilson

Gatewood Press is a small, family owned press located in the Hill Country of Texas.


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