The Chore

I mowed yesterday but the mower rebelled. It stopped. Won’t start. Small engines are not my specialty. But I will try because I have nothing if not time. It’s obviously not getting gas. Now I need to figure out why. Hello, YouTube. I guess I’m lucky it happened at the end of summer rather than the spring. But still, it’s frustrating to be nearly finished with a job and have your tool go kaput.

Oh, well. Worse things have happened to me in my life. I suppose I can overcome a recalcitrant lawnmower. Although, I doubt it happened on purpose unless they managed to sneak a devilish piece of AI into the system somehow. So, it’s not really pitching a fit and being difficult on purpose, it’s just a machine that quit. And a machine is a system that follows rules and I simply need to figure out what they are. Wow. That doesn’t sound hard at all.

The biggest thing to remember when I tackle this chore is the need for patience. In my youth, it was in short supply. But over the years I’ve learned its value. I still lose track on occasion, but generally speaking I think I’ve managed pretty well. I’ve learned to slow down, and to look before I leap. I’ve learned that haste does indeed make waste. Best of all I’ve learned that anger never helped seat a gasket or loosen a screw. And with that I take a deep breath and set out to see why the durn thing won’t go.

John W Wilson

Gatewood Press is a small, family owned press located in the Hill Country of Texas.



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