
Ah, the big game, for us. Houston against Texas. Football. It’s always fun to beat them, but we’ve only done it seven times. So, it’s definitely not a habit. They, on the other hand, have prevailed seventeen times. We tied twice. Last night was our first meeting in 21 years. That feels like a long time. It is. But it’s understandable, they had other things to do. And so did we.

The Longhorns were favored by 22 points last night. They won by seven. We nearly tied it right at the end, but a short fourth down pass inside the ten went astray, and the Longhorns saved their day. There was a mild celebration, but I suspect they felt lucky to get away with a win. Some of their fans were sitting right next to us. They actually bought season tickets to UH games just so they could have seats for this one game. Now that’s disposable income. I don’t guess they’ll renew their tickets next year. Too bad, they were nice people.

My friend, Tommy and I drove home after the game. We had Tacos for dinner. We stopped at the Bucee’s in Bastrop to change drivers. The parking lot was full of school busses coming home from a band competition. Bellville and Madisonville were two schools I noticed. They still had a ways to go. So did we. I got to bed around eleven, slept like a baby. This morning I realized I left my Dopp kit in Tommy’s truck. But we lived close by in Houston and we live close by in the Hill Country. So, we’re meeting in Blanco at noon for more Tacos and a shake. I’ll get the kit. We might talk about the game. We might not. But it will be a good lunch either way.

John W Wilson

Gatewood Press is a small, family owned press located in the Hill Country of Texas.

The Move


Game Time