New Tune

I am home and in my own bed. Not at the moment, obviously, but I was until just a minute ago. Now I’m up. Lots of things rumbling through my head. A good trip is in the books. I head out again on Wednesday for another. The next few days will be the space within which I breathe. I will wash clothes. I need a shave. I will tend to the cats. The world will move away, going about its business, unbeknownst to me.

Having spent the better part of six days in the company of friends and in the presence of considerable music. I am ready for silence. It will take some time to incorporate all those conversations, all that music, into the narrative of my life, to figure out what was said and sung and why. To sort through the different perspectives. To see the speakers and singers as they want to be seen. To evaluate what I projected to ensure it caused no harm or pain.

I say the latter because people often ask, the first time you’re at an event, how you liked it. And I sometimes forget a simple platitude is a perfectly acceptable response. And I also forget that sometimes things should be judged at a distance and slowly. Because in the past I have judged music and people in haste, which has led to waste. And at this point in my life, I’d really like to embrace the diversity in life and music and art and see the beauty in things as other people see it. To hear the music of the spheres through the ears of others, and maybe learn a new tune or two.

John W Wilson

Gatewood Press is a small, family owned press located in the Hill Country of Texas.

The Plan


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