The Plan

Imagine my surprise. I walked out to feed the cats this morning and the driveway was wet. What? Rain? Wow. That’s nice. I’ll have to wait until the sun comes up to see how much. I could go out in the dark and look, but my motivation is lacking. I’ll check when I go to town. I have errands to run before I head to Houston. It’s grandparents week, and I’m meeting kids for lunch.

I’m a traveling man these days. And I always liked Ricky Nelson. But I don’t have a girl in every port. And that’s a real non sequitur. But I am traveling a lot. Partly because it’s been too hot to do anything in the yard, like work on the fence which is what I should be doing. I’ll get to that later this month, because it does appear that mother nature has finally turned off the oven. God bless her. She could have done it a bit sooner. But she never listens to me.

If it happens again next summer and we know it probably will, I’m leaving Texas. Heading north. I’ve already given my friends the word. I’ll just nomad away the time until the heat breaks. I have a tent and all the gear. There are mountains and trails and parks and places to go. I did it as a kid with my parents. I did it as an adult with my kids and my wife. I can do it as an elder by myself. Getting ready will give me something to do this winter. Let’s call it gentle prepping. Watch out, nature. Here I come.

John W Wilson

Gatewood Press is a small, family owned press located in the Hill Country of Texas.

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