New Universe
So, yesterday I was talking about thought experiments and so-called “over thinking”, and came to the realization the latter was probably the former, and it was good. And I think back to all the times I put it to use in my career, grabbing hold of a problem and mulling it over until suddenly there was an answer, and I can quote several of the cases to you, chapter and verse, the problem and the solution.
And there’s no doubt it was the same approach I took to raising kids and making my marriage work. I encountered problems, pulled them into the good old brain, and went to over-thinking and mulling them over until I arrived at a solution. Of course, maybe over-thinking means I was slower than other people, who are more quick witted. But my marriage lasted fifty years and I have three great kids who still talk to me so my approach worked to a large degree.
And even now as I deal with grief and the loss of my wife and my own mortality I find solace in the thinking and the grappling with ideas, taking control of my emotions, finding space for all the variables to create a story I can tell myself, that makes sense, until I see another angle, a better way and the story goes in a different direction, as I bring to life a new universe with every observation.