Two days in on my hand surgery and I’m feeling a little down, a little rocky, mainly kicking myself for not doing it sooner, made worse by having to do everything left-handed. The main problem is changing the dressing and using scissors with my left hand. I’m getting it down though, and I think a casual observer would have a hard time knowing I self-dressed my wound. The wrap looks tight and clean.

Enough of that. It’s probably a good thing to get my left hand in the game, doing things, being useful. I always thought it would be interesting to be ambidextrous. Once upon a time I learned to switch hit, and I tried to learn to throw left handed. The latter didn’t work out so well. But I have a modest left-handed basketball shot. We’ll see what two weeks of left-handedness does for me. It should be interesting. Maybe it will help balance my world, sort out my equilibrium, change my paradigms. All pluses.

What I miss is working in the yard. First of all, I need to keep the wound clean. Secondly, I don’t want to sweat. There’s a tension relieving stitch in the middle of my wound with a big butterfly bandage that needs to stay dry. Sweating would make it come unstuck. She put the stitch in there to allow me to use my hand and help keep pressure off the stitches that closed the cut. Ingenious. I’d like to take advantage of it. And that’s it for now. A small pity party, we’re done. I’m on with my day. See you tomorrow.

John W Wilson

Gatewood Press is a small, family owned press located in the Hill Country of Texas.



Work Hand