Odd and Ends

There are so many things rambling around in my head, I don’t know where to begin. The painting project is moving forward, and because I like quoting song lyrics. It’s going to be a long December and there's reason to believe maybe this year will be better than the last. And if you don’t know, that’s the Counting Crows, and I’m looking past Christmas to the day when I can paint and move furniture, and I can hardly wait. It will be fun.

Meanwhile, the washing machine is chugging along keeping me in clean britches. And I noticed yesterday that when you leave clothes in the dryer during the winter, they can get cold and sometimes feel a little damp. That was an interesting observation yesterday and wouldn’t normally make it into casual conversation because it’s something almost everyone knows without being told. But as I writer, I get to put it right out there in public. And as a reader, you can hurry on past with being embarrassed that you heard me say it.

And finally, I know it’s old fashioned but I’m getting ready to send out my Christmas cards. I discovered a big stash of them last year, remnants of my late wife’s interest in the subject. Plus, I have odds and ends left over from years when I over bought. But no one will notice they got a different card than someone else, because no one compares Christmas cards. It’s just a thing that happens. I put them on my pie safe to look at over the holidays, then I put them in a dated envelope for safe keeping and historical reasons which I am unable to explain.

John W Wilson

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