My View

This view is actually Devil’s Backbone.

This past weekend was a weekend of doing. I ran hither and yon mostly in the pursuit of music and wine. A good combination if you have to chase something. I have more music later this week with a few days with grandkids thrown in for good measure. This morning, however, I am sitting quietly in my front room with a cup of tea, looking out the window at the pasture.

There are rumors afoot that the pasture might be sold soon. A rich guy has his eyes on it. Wants to develop it. He already has the land just next to the pasture where he’s putting up a 400 unit apartment complex. Maybe he wants to do more or maybe he wants to build homes. Who knows. I can’t really complain though. When we bought these two lots and built our home we ruined the view of my neighbors, basically we cut in front of them with our big old house. Where once they could see the pasture, now they see us. Not a good trade.

I was pretty sure, when we built the house, that it was inevitable the pastureland across our fence might be sold. But I thought we might have more time. Of course, I might be getting ahead of myself. So, far it’s just talk, but it never hurts to think about it. And if I’m good at anything it’s thinking about how I might respond to bad news. I actually plan for it because one should always have contingency plans. But I’m not a pessimist. I think it comes down to realism. Things end, go bad, die, and you might as well be prepared as long as you don’t let it color your enjoyment of life. And right now, the sun on the pasture is delightful as is my cup of tea.

John W Wilson

Gatewood Press is a small, family owned press located in the Hill Country of Texas.

Odd and Ends


A Plan