Off Again

Travel day. I’m off to the wild’s of our nation’s capital. Actually, I’ll be across the river in Alexandria. It just sounds more exciting to say I’m going to DC. Because, I like DC. I’ve been there a lot over the years. As a child, as military man stationed at Quantico in ‘68, as a young adult and business traveler, as a traveling companion with my late wife as she attended the national DAR meeting. I’ve seen the monuments, been to the museums, and walked the streets. And I’m gladly going to do it again, if I can, because I love it.

I want to see Lincoln, Jefferson, the mall, the reflection pool, the Vietnam memorial, the White House, the Capital. Why not? It’s mine. Well, partly. It’s ours, all of us. And when I’m there, I’ll think of you, because it’s yours too. And I hope you get to go one day if you haven’t been, because it is a pretty cool place, and if you get a chance, you should also go see Arlington National Cemetery, and the graves of the Unknown Soldiers, and President Kennedy’s grave. Lots of history there.

And as I’m now doing in my Guadalupian Epoch, I will not be blogging every day. I will be soaking up the sights, taking notes, gathering my thoughts. Then, when I come back, I will tell you about it. Meanwhile, you can go on about your business and wonder what I’m up to. Of course, I may post a picture or two on social media, because I like participating in the cultural milieu of the 21st century even though I’m old. Why not? I’m alive and there’s no age limit. But I will save my deeper thoughts for later. To let them marinate, soak, maybe find a little wisdom. Who knows. Anyway, that’s it for now. See you this Saturday.

John W Wilson

Gatewood Press is a small, family owned press located in the Hill Country of Texas.

Another New Day


Seasonal Thoughts