Seasonal Thoughts

The rains are still falling and that’s good. The lakes and streams have yet to benefit, but I think that will come. Once the ground is saturated by these gentle rains, all we’ll need is a gully washer, and then most of the water that falls will flow downhill into our creeks, and rivers, and lakes. Of course, I’m not holding my breath in anticipation, but I’ve seen it happen before and we may be in that sort of sequence since there’s a strong El Nino afoot. As for the rest of the world, they can expect the summer we just endured. Heaven help them.

I’ve already told friends and family if the 100 degree days arrive here next year as they did this year, I am heading north, leaving town, getting out of Dodge. I may have to sleep in my car in a Walmart parking lot. But I’m going. I think I even have friends who will go with me, and one of them has his own travel trailer and that would be really sweet. We could pack our guitars and vagabond around the country, hiking, picking, and enjoying the scenery.

But that’s next summer. For the moment, I’m in the now. Tomorrow it’s off to DC with my daughter and the kids to see their dad and husband and enjoy our nation’s capital from a view across the river in Alexandria. It’s supposed to be cold which will be a nice shock to the system and prepare me for Christmas, which is suddenly right around the corner. And that’s good because I like Christmas and the season and the new year. The holidays have always left me flush with pleasure. And I am more than ready to get this year’s party started.

John W Wilson

Gatewood Press is a small, family owned press located in the Hill Country of Texas.

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