Origin Story

This blog got its start on Facebook in 2014. I decided to write a little post every day. At first it was two paragraphs. Eventually it grew to three. A beginning, a middle and an end. I also set a word target of 300. Most days I’m under, other days I slip over. The target is there for discipline, because sometimes what you leave out is more important than what stays. Anyway, I got a good response from my friends after I started and, as one often does after praise, I kept doing it.

Somewhere along the way, Facebook started pushing it’s Notes feature. I suppose they wanted content providers to provide content. I was happy to do it. I could put a little picture at the top, do three paragraphs, and we were good. That went on until this year, when the company announced it would no longer support notes. That move dovetailed with the publication of my book, The Long Goodbye. I reasoned that if I moved the blog to its own website, it would help promote the book.

And that’s how we got here, and I like it. Squarespace is our host and they have a lot of helpful tools for little bloggers like me. Since, I’m retired, its also fun and keeps me in the game, more or less, depending on what we consider the game to be. At the moment, the game is my blog and my book, soon to be plural since another is in the works. So, far its been fun, and if I get more company, I imagine it will be even more fun. So, welcome. Stay awhile if you want, but they’re short so they won’t take up a lot of your time. But I hope I get to see you again.

John W Wilson

Gatewood Press is a small, family owned press located in the Hill Country of Texas.


Almost Done


A Good Break