Almost Done

Woke up to the sound of snow melt this morning when I went out onto the porch. Our temperature is 33 and promises to go a little bit higher today. We’re still scheduled for hard, cold nights, but it seems the weather picture is shifting back to our favor here in Central Texas. We might even be in the balmy 50s by this weekend. That will be a pleasant change.

Went for a ride in the neighbor’s pasture yesterday. He fired up his four wheel drive all terrain vehicle, I brought along some whiskey for sipping, and we set out to see the wonders of the big snow. Even bundled up and fortified, it was cold. We saw lots of tracks and even scared up a few deer. A fair number of trees lost limbs, but the big, leafless pecans just stood there, bare and tall. Maybe the cold will bring forth a bumper crop of their wonderful fruit this year. Something to anticipate.

The snow melt will be good for all the trees and plants, given that its just sitting there turning to water. We might have some runoff, but I doubt it will be very much. We’re just going to have a lot of moist earth well into spring is my guess. Of course, we still have to assay the plant loss. That might be substantial. But I’m not going to worry about it until the warm days of spring show up and things start to bud. Right now, I’m happy we made it through, not that there was much doubt, but it still seems something worth celebrating because I’m sure others had it harder than I did.

John W Wilson

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