
Played a little music last night. My wife’s cousin, in Granbury, invited us to perform at their RV rally just up the road in Stonewall. We obliged. By we I meant the crew I usually pick with, in a circle, for our friends. We missed one fellow, however, so we supplemented with a pro, Dan West. It was nice of him to fill in and give us a fourth. Besides me there was David Pagan from Ozona, and Monte Baxter from Spring Branch. It was a lovely evening.

Unfortunately, the cousin and his wife were unable to attend. There were addressing medical issues. So, I dedicated the first song to them, it was one I wrote for my late wife, Your Blue Eyes. After that we shied away from sad songs, and played a fair number of country hits, songs people recognized, and we had dancers. We wrapped it up after about 90 minutes, because I think it’s a good idea to leave people wanting more, and I’d like to think we left them in that state. That may be a false assumption, but it felt right.

It was a good time to quit, anyhow, because most of the folks were watching the ballgame on the TV behind us. The sound was off, but we had a picture. They all hailed from the Metroplex and when we left the score was tied, and they were all happy. By the time I got home, I was happy, because I’m a Houston boy, and I was really happy when I went to sleep. Ten runs will do that for you. Although I remember a World Series where the home team lost every game and my team came out on the short end. I hope this series has a different ending. I think it will. But, it’s baseball. So, you never know.

John W Wilson

Gatewood Press is a small, family owned press located in the Hill Country of Texas.


Game Time

