Plumbing Fun

I had fun with plumbing yesterday. My toilet leaked. I replaced all the bits that make it work. The fill valve, the flush valve, and the tank to bowl hardware. I measured and calculated and tightened. Got it all done. There are no leaks. No cracked porcelain. Where once it would periodically whisper in the night as new water filled the tank, now there is silence. I am a satisfied man.

It wasn’t with hiccup, however. The initial sponge gasket that fits between the tank and bowl was too big and I thought I could reuse the bolts. I was wrong. They leaked. I drove to the plumbing supply store got a new kit. Better gasket for sure. Nice new bolts and washers. I tightened down the tank until it barely touched the porcelain bowl. I stopped as instructed. It now sits rock solid in its assigned place.

There’s a nice glow to the day after the successful completion of a job like that. I found myself going into the bathroom just to look at the toilet yesterday. And flush it. It worked every time. I think the newness will wear off today. Of course, I should give a tip of the hat to YouTube who supplied a key video. That was nice. The internet has vastly improved the life of a handyman these days. Plus, it helps to have a plumbing supply place close by with people who know what they’re doing. I guess you could say it was a team effort. More proof, if you need it, that the best way to get through life is with a little help from your friends. Or strangers.

John W Wilson

Gatewood Press is a small, family owned press located in the Hill Country of Texas.


