Rain Chances

Woke to the sound of thunder and rain. Glanced at the radar. Realized I’d missed the bulk of the storm. Here’s to sound sleep. Fed the cats and checked the rain gauge. 1.2 inches. That’s a good bit. I was happy I mowed yesterday. All the plants seem happy too. The other day, I noticed my salvia had bloomed. That was a result of the previous week’s rain. No telling what this rain will do. I bet my Rock Roses put on flowers.

Most of the plants have greened up. The spiderworts, for instance, are standing tall. And the big Marie Pavia rose has new growth, and even a few blooms. It just goes to show that you can water until the well runs dry and the plants will still respond best to a little rain from heaven. It probably feels different, cleaner, fewer minerals, just water, nothing the plant needs to sort out or filter. I know the Bermuda grass knows the difference. My yard is starting to take on a suburban look. Almost. We’d need a month of rain for that. There’s a lot of dirt to be seen.

I’m guessing, however, this rain won’t do much for our lakes and rivers. I think we’ll need a system for that. Something like a tropical storm that parks over us and rains for days. A passing front just won’t do it. Sad to say. Still, moisture is moisture, and this feels good. Plus, the temperatures are dropping and that will help the fallen rain stick around. That’s a plus. So, this rain is a nice gift horse, and I’ll stop looking in it’s mouth.

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