Still Summer

I walked outside this early morning ready for fall and got more summer. The air is still and hot. In a word, stultifying, although stifling is good too. But I like the former. So, I’m sticking with it. Big things are in the air for tomorrow, however, lots of rain and lower temps. We’ll see how that goes. But it looks promising. I won’t hold my breath. I used to hold my breath waiting for things I wanted, but I only succeeded in turning my face blue.

In other news, I have lesser goldfinches at my bird feeder. I took it down for the time I was in Houston and put it up when I got back. That was a good move. The sparrows went away and now only songbirds feed. The black-crested titmouse is an early morning visitor. And the Cardinals are there, too. The birds also like my bird bath. Not to bathe, however, but to drink. Nice little community in the Flameleaf Sumacs, whose leaves have yet to flame this fall. Still green.

Finally, I spent yesterday with doctors, eyes and general. The eyes are good. They have it. My doctor said my maculas look young and healthy. My vision is good, too -- 20/20, 20/25. Hurrah for new lenses. On the general front my knees are stable and strong, I have trigger finger, I have some exercises to strengthen my feet, but my BP is great, and my arthritis is minor. It was the first visit with my old doctor in a new practice. He’s a DO with a background in sports medicine. He’s an ex-nurse. Great bedside manner. He’s going to be the guy who will keep me upright and walking tall for my remaining years. He’s the sort of friend you need in times like these.

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