Rest Day

Drove into the sunset last night. It was a drive I made a lot when I still worked. It looked the same. The evening sky was clear and nicely colored. The road was clear, too. The hills were inviting. But where I once drove with anticipation, now I just drove. The only thing waiting for me was the end of the trip. Something to be desired, of course, but nothing to be cherished. Just a house, and a bed. Still a home but lacking a little something.

I had a nice week with my daughter and the little grand-kids. I had the kids on my own for the last three days. Two kids is exponentially more difficult than one. I learned this when I had my own. I’m learning it again with the grand-kids. Just another reason to miss my wife as if I need more reasons. I don’t recall my mother ever asking me what I wanted to eat, and I don’t recall asking my kids. Although, I bet my wife did and that’s where the partnership comes in. Anyway, frozen bean burritos saved the day on multiple occasions along with chocolate milk, grapes, and baby carrots.

I’m home today and off tomorrow. We’re going to listen to music in New Mexico. It will be a nice chance to recharge my batteries before I head back to the Gulf Coast to babysit and help with home repairs. I think on the next go round with the kids on my own, however, I will ask for a menu with a decision tree if options are refused. I’ll also need a guide to which battles, if any, are worth fighting. I have a feeling during this last go round I could have been a bit more laisse faire.

John W Wilson

Gatewood Press is a small, family owned press located in the Hill Country of Texas.

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