Short Trip

Driving in a driving-rain isn’t what you’d expect. First of all, a driving-rain isn’t a rain perfect for driving. It’s just the opposite. It’s a rain that falls in sheets and fills every inch of air with water. Visibility falls to near zero. Up and down are impossible to describe. I drove in such a rain yesterday. In Houston. On the south loop. It felt like old times. My mind immediately started thinking about my southern highwater routes. Almeda road for one. It’s a high-centered road with bar ditches.

But, as it turned out, the driving rain was a local phenomenon, and the radio reported no flooded roads so I drove in confidence down the southern freeway and made it safely to my destination. High and dry except for a brief run into a local drug store. And even then I got to park close to the door and was able to duck under an awning, all well practiced moves from my Houston days when I learned to love my Texas sub-tropical climate.

The cause of my Houston journey was skin care. I got a positive report. Nothing to cut off. That’s a relief. Several things were frozen to keep them from becoming something that needed cutting. I’m back to my six month full body check-ups. That’s a thing us fair-haired boys of the 60s have to do because the Beach Boys made fun in the sun a thing. Although, to be fair, I had several years of outside jobs that did as much damage, and I played a lot of sports. And that’s it this for this short road trip, now I need to go get the kids off to school before heading home.

John W Wilson

Gatewood Press is a small, family owned press located in the Hill Country of Texas.



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