Slow Day

Today is off to a slow start. That’s good I suppose. It’s cool outside. I watched a grackle feed in the grass. The cats are fed and happy. I’m still spending time looking for glasses I no longer need. That feels weird. I have readers now, or should I say, again? I can hardly wait to get both eyes on the same page so to speak. Meanwhile, I simply have to deal with feeling slightly off balance because of my cloudy left eye.

I stood outside for a bit this morning and looked at the garden beneath the oaks. The false mallows are getting big and have fine little orange-yellow flowers. You have to get close to see them, but the leaves are large and lovely and slightly fuzzy. There’s also a lavender plant that has gone native. It’s gotten huge and is crawling across the garden looking for sunlight. It’s changed its shape so many times over the years I’ve lost track. Maybe I was never meant to keep track.

Later today I’ll head off to Houston for a grandchild’s graduation tomorrow. There will be a party in her honor that will also celebrate the recent college graduation of her brother. Two for one. Nice. The month of June will then be turned over to the two youngest grandchildren. One goes to camp and one will come stay with me. We have things planned. I think we’ll make a good team, and I can hardly wait and by all accounts, neither can he. It’s nice knowing there is someone out there who wants to be with me.

John W. Wilson is the author of The Long Goodbye: A Caregiver's Tale

John W Wilson

Gatewood Press is a small, family owned press located in the Hill Country of Texas.

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Good Things